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VoIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol

What is VoIP

VoIP, or IP Telephony as it is also known as, facilitates telephone calls to be made across computer networks. be it on a local network or across the Internet. Due to its computerized nature, VoIP can be used not only on IP phones but just as well on computers, smartphones, tablets and a variety of devices specially built for communication services, such as door entry and intercom systems.

Voice over IP has evolved over the past 20-30 years and has been implemented in a variety of ways, using both open and proprietary protocols. In recent years, due to the onset of high speed broadband, more and more of the VoIP protocols have seen an accelerated adoption, leading to a major trend towards integration and replacement of traditional telephony (PSTN).

Why VoIP is Better

The main advantages brought by VoIP telephony are that it can offer a dramatic reduction in costs, greater flexibility of usage and – most importantly for businesses – easy integration with business automation systems. Most modern solutions claim to offer “Unified Communications” systems that bring CRM and ERP integration, portability across various computing platforms as well as text and video integrations, completing a 360 degrees communication coverage for any type and size of business. All of those are possible because of the underlying VoIP technology, implemented in the systems.

Benefits of VoIP telephony

Greater mobility

Employees and contractors can communicate in various ways across the organization, using a single platform, integrated with the business systems

Lower costs

All the branches and remote workers can communicate at virtually zero additional cost, du to the nature of te VoIP protocol

Better communications

voice, text and video calls are possible using a single platform, with greater automation included for ease of use

Greater visibility

On-demand and automated reporting facilitate business managers to better understand the activities of the workforce, leading to better choices in management

Our VoIP Products and Services

Business VoIP SIP Trunks

A SIP (Session Initiated Protocol) account with the VoIP provider, with or without an in-dial number attached to it, that allows making and receiving telephone calls across the internet. Depending on the agreed plan, it can offer unlimited included calls (with the exception of calls to special numbers like toll free – 1300) or metered calls in a variety of possibilities.

1300 Inbound Service

A VoIP account, with a 1300/1800 number attached to it, allowing incoming calls made to it to be redirected to a number in Australia. It can also be used on any VoIP capable device, such as a VoIP PBX or a smartphone app, without costly redirections. The main benefit of an inbound VoIP service is a dramatic reduction of ongoing costs.

Smart 1300

A combination of VoIP Inbound and unlimited outbound calls services, for small or large organizations, for increased business benefits, when a VoIP capable device cannot be connected directly to the 1300 SIP Trunk.

Extremely useful to ensure budget is kept under control.

Cloud Based Shared PABX

A cloud hosted virtual server running an enterprise level telephone system that can be configured to be used by multiple tenants, isolated from each other but sharing a single pool of resources – from computing power to VoIP lines. Recommended for micro and very small organizations.

Cloud Based Private PABX

A cloud hosted virtual server, running an enterprise level telephone system used by a single organization, having all the features available for its employees and/or contractors, including chat, video conferences, company and personal phonebooks, website and CRM integrations, etc.

On-Premise Private PABX

A hardware or software based telephone system providing all the services and features of a PABX from within the local area network. It can function exactly as the cloud hosted versions, with the benefit of a controlled depreciation of the initial investment and possible use of existing infrastructure.